Fenugreek seeds also known as methi, is commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cusines. These small golden seeds can add slightly pleasant bitter taste and strong aroma adding extra points to your dish. Did you know these seeds lying in your kitchen shelf can offer you health benefits? Yes they do. Fenugreek seeds can used as a functional food to protect and prevent several kinds of health conditions, all thanks to the rich nutritient profile it has. These seeds contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and bioactive compounds. This blog will throw light on health benefits of consuming fenugreek seeds and how you can make it part of your diet.


Those fenugreek seeds in your kitchen can you help you with……

Diabetes : Fenugreek can help you with reducing sudden spikes in blood glucose levels. It has soluble gel which facilitates slow release of sugar into blood, avoiding sudden fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Hydroxyisoleucine, an amino acid present in Fenugreek, stimulates release of insulin from pancreas so that glucose is taken up by cells efficiently . 


Digestive issues – A road to good health is paved with good digestion and you can bet on fenugreek for that. It helps in soothing heartburn. Mucilage present in fenugreek neutralizes acidity of stomach. It has higher content of soluble fiber that acts as bulking laxative and treats constipation. It can also reduce flatulence.


Cholesterol : Fiber present in Fenugreek binds to cholesterol and makes it unavailable for absorption. Finally it is excreted out of the body. Fenugreek is also rich in natural saponins which are often in treatment of hypercholesterolemia. These compounds form insoluble complexes with cholesterol which keeps them away from getting absorbed. Fenugreek is extremely helpful when it comes to lowering cholesterol. 


Inflammation / pain : Fenugreek is rich in antioxidants and reduces oxidative stress in your body. It protects body from any kind of damage and avoids inflammation. Flavonoids, alkaloids and saponins found in fenugreek can relieve pain as well


Blood pressure : Heart health issues, especially in post covid phase, have become alarming. Adding fenugreek to your diet can take care of heart health. Research shows it can reduce blood pressure and keep your blood vessels healthy. 


Weight loss : Fenugreek is a must have in your weight loss journey. Galactomannan in fenugreek forms viscous gel in the stomach with ingested food and delays gastric emptying. As result you feel satiated for a longer period of time. Moreover, delayed intestinal absorption can avoid sudden drops in your blood glucose level and save you from hunger signals. It also boasts your metabolism.


Menstrual cramps : Nowadays, most of the women have to struggle with  premenstrual syndrome every month. Fenugreek can come to your rescue. It’s active compound trigonelline balances your hormones estrogen and progesterone and fixes irregular menstrual cycle. It can relieve from pain and cramps that you undergo through those red wave days.


It is important to note following proper diet plan and guidelines deviced for a particular condition can treat it. One condition can have several causes. DNA testing can help you with finding out exact cause and target it. Following a DNA nutrition plan, can give you sureshot results so that you can unlock your healthy and happy life.


Tips to include golden seeds in you diet 

Fenugreek is an amazing ingredient that offers ample health benefits. It is very easy to add it in your daily diet. You can make fenugreek seed powder easily at home and have it with water. You can also add this powder to your roti dough or  sprinkle it over vegetable, curry and salad. Boiling seeds in water and having it as fenugreek tea is also an easy way to make it a part of your routine. Simply you can also use seeds infused water by soaking fenugreek overnight in water and consume it next morning. There are various fenugreek supplements that are also available in the market. Supplements will be more potent in terms of it’s bioactive compounds that will ultimately serve your health.


Side effects and precautions 

Although fenugreek has alot of advantages to offer but still it may have few shortcomings.It may cause gastric discomfort, if it doesn’t suits your gut. An important precautions that has to be taken is that it should never be used along with blood thinners, antiplatelet drugs, as fenugreek bioactive compounds can interact with these drugs. High consumption of fenugreek can cause maple syrup dor in sweat and urine which people find unpleasant. Fenugreek may slow the process of blood clotting so it is advisable not to consume it in the surgery phase. People allergic to soy, peanuts, or some legumes should avoid taking fenugreek seeds, it may trigger allergic reactions. 


Daily recommendations 

Excess of anything is dangerous. Daily intake of fenugreek seeds should range from 5 to 15 grams a day and don’t exceed this. If you are using a supplement then stick to the dosage mentioned on it. 


Time your fenugreek intake 

The best time to consume fenugreek seeds depends on your priorities and goals. Consuming fenugreek seeds in the morning will help you in kick-starting your metabolism. Having seeds at night time will save you from heartburn and digestive discomfort. Try to have it before meals to control your appetite.